Farmer, a way of life
A short documentary by Gaetano Naccarato

Farmer a way of life, crossed portraits of agroecological farmers, living in different European countries, different backgrounds and environments. However their stories vary greatly,they are bond together by their close, intimate connection to the nature, animals and landscape they are taking care of. The movie is trying to show mystery of farming and the harmony of the farming way of life between the various components of the farm and the outside world. The images call for the urgent changes in our food system, to make it sustainable, environmentally sound and calls for more autonomous life for farmers who create  a living environment responding to the great challenges of our time. The movie was created by Gaetano Naccarato as part of the BOND project.


The movie is intended to be screened on film festivals in Europe and broadcasted on TV or streaming services, until then it cannot be distributed widely on the internet.  However it can be seen on private link and screened offline. The master copy for screening will be provided on request by the contact person below.


Director – writer – editor Gaetano Naccarato

Production company Sanctuary films

In collaboration with AMPI and other BOND project partners

Funded by European Union

Narrator Edouard Tritant

Creative advisor Priscilla Delay (L. D. P.) – Hélène Cartier

Contact person:


Disclaimer: This short documentary describes true events. All people, events and locations are real. There are no fictional images to dramatize the story. Images filmed in the Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway.  Movie created for the BOND project.  This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774208. The contents of this documentary movie are the sole responsibility of the BOND project and  do not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and the Commission. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.“