National workshop at the Technological Pole and the Mariapolis Faro center, Zagreb, Croatia 25-27 September organized by Legacoop

Legacoop Agroalimentare from 25th to 27th September, organizes, in collaboration with the Croatian agricultural cooperatives and associations, the National Workshop at the Technological Pole and the Mariapolis Faro center in Krizevci (Zagreb, Croatia).

During the workshop will be introduced different farms from small-scale biodynamic farm to a more complex structure such as a cooperative producing cereals and beef with export-import relations with the European Union and also other countries of the world. In particular, during the event, will be discussed on regenerative agriculture, as a method to restructure the soil and improve its production capacity which, otherwise, in the current consumption rates will be exhausted over the next 60 years.

The Italian experience of the community cooperative Torri Superiore in Liguria and the Norwegian advanced cooperation in the collection of milk, meat, and cereals will be shown among the models disclosed.

During the three days, the participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, to debate, to build a common vision and to compare their experiences.

The workshop will close on the third day with a practical case, in which an attempt will be made to use an action plan for the revitalization of a rural village.