The actions of BOND project were finalised to enhance capacities of farmers and land managers to make collective choices, build confidence and put in place effective organisations. It is the process of building strong relations among farmers within local organisations to achieve common goals.

The project implementation strategy is grounded on three mutually reinforcing pillars.

Together these 3 pillars enable groups to find solutions, better understand attitudes to cooperation and networking, provide recommendations to policy-makers with an improved mutual understanding, and build the basis for higher levels of collective action in the countries where the level of organisation is low.


 Learning From Success” involves identifying, documenting and visiting case studies with proven solutions.

This is the SEE section of the project.


“Understanding attitudes – Overcoming Weaknesses and Constraints” involves the wide review and analysis of attitudes, weaknesses and constraints (including needs and problems) of groups in the selected countries, and the proposed capacity building, and other dedicated methods and tools to start building the conditions for effective collective action (national workshops).

This is the LEARN section of the project.


“Affirming a Position in the Policy Landscape
involves new ways of interface and interaction through serious gaming, between farmers/land managers and policy-makers and the creation of common thinking, alliances and coalitions around special areas of interest (policy roundtables).

This is the TELL section of the project.