The interregional forum brought together the 60 beneficiaries of the study tours, the project partners, and associate partners, and other stakeholders. The forum was organised in Cordoba, Spain. The event aimed to take stock of the study tours (results and experiences were presented and discussed), share good practices and involve participants in an action planning exercise (to be applied locally, in their own countries).
The interregional workshop included a 4-day training of trainers on governance, equity and performance of farmer organisations.
The interregional forum and training of trainers (TOT) set the scene for the following steps of the project, connecting people together and bringing on board different constituencies and key actors, in a range of formal and informal encounters and sharing, developing relationships, exchanges and skills.
The 4-day training of trainers allowed participants to reflect on the importance of values and principles for effective farmer organisations, to provide a framework and a tool to understand and analyse organisational performance, to understand the process to build a common vision and to formulate the plans of action.