Second BOND Lab Experiment in Moldova

The second BOND Lab Experiment in Moldova on Emotional intelligence and bridging skills took place online between the 22nd of May and 12th of June 2020.

Despite COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent closure of borders and restriction of meetings, ProEntranse managed to successfully hold the event online. While objectives and expected outcomes remained the same, the training presentations, exercises and exchanges were oriented towards examples and challenges emerging from COVID-19 crises.


This second event on Emotional intelligence and bridging skills pursued the following objectives:

  • Training about groups’ dynamics and the emotional dimension of groups.
  • Training about how to design effective bridging strategies.
  • To go forward in the design of collective action plans to be developed by participants (task initiated in Event #1).
  • To continue the definition of MoUs to be developed by participants (task initiated in Event #1).


Three tools were deployed to hold Event #2 of the BOND Lab Experiment in Moldova:

  • An online webinar: presentation of the program of the event, methodology and main introductory concepts.
  • Two videos of 30 minutes length were sent to the participants as a preparation for the online session: presentations of the main concepts and ideas related to the different subjects of the training.
  • Three practical online sessions of 1 and a half hour-length: based on exercises and the application of concrete tools facilitated by local and international experts.


The practical sessions were established to facilitate the sharing of experiences related to emotions and conflict elements that have emerged in the present situation as well as collective strategies to deal with new challenges.

The event was organised by Lucia Usurelu (ProEntranse) with the contribution of Mariagrazia Rocchigiani (FAO) and Mamen Cuéllar-Padilla (University of Cordoba) for the online training sessions.

Find more about the BOND Lab Experiment in Moldova and take a look at the presentations and videos here: