BOND – Forum Young Farmers for the Future!

BOND is currently planning to develop an international platform of young farmers in Europe. If conditions allow, an international forum will be held in Romania in the coming months that will gather 34 young farmers from 34 countries in Europe.

It will be an occasion for the new generation of farmers to share visions, express needs and aspirations and provide fresh insights that will translate into policy recommendations and solutions to policymakers in Europe. This platform will harvest new ideas on the future of farming and bring forward concrete solutions for collective action in agriculture.

Amongst others, key topics will include sustainable farming, regenerative agriculture, peasant farming, agroecology, food sovereignty, market access and access to land and natural resources.

The outcomes expected are youth bonding, engagement strengthening, networks creation, participation in the European policy making process, further practical and theoretical skills-sharing activities and consequent national dissemination. In short, participants will have the opportunity to gather and address EU policy makers with proposals for the future of a youth-inclusive agriculture!

Due to the current Covid-19 crisis we are developing a solution and plan to collaborate and interact with international young farmers at the distance by using our web, social media channels and conferencing solutions.

Surveys will be sent out during April 2020 to know each other better and connect, as well as to invite vision over farming policies, practices and self-description. The 34 participants will be divided into 4 groups for ZOOM debate and consultation in May 2020, followed by a webinar for the whole group. It is our hope that all will be able to meet physically in Romania (expenses covered) depending on how the Covid-19 situation unfolds. The forum will be organized by Eco Ruralis, Romanian partner of the project.

Applications are still open but not for long. So, if you are a young farmer under the age of 34 years old you are welcome to apply by sending an email to the following address:


Further info is available at

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