Do you want to know what is the next workshop of the BOND project?
On the 13th and 14th June 2019, a National workshop will be organized in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
The general objective of National Workshop is to present and discuss with experts, public officials and leaders of agricultural cooperatives in Moldova, some of the experiences in the region regarding the development of cooperatives and group of producers/farmers in Europe through the BOND project. Of particular relevance is the analysis of this issue in the national and international context, for cooperative development which has involved significant changes in the agricultural sector and in international markets for agricultural and livestock products.
Specific objectives:
- Analyze the various regulatory and legal frameworks and fiscal issues, strategies and methods adopted in the region for the design and implementation of public policies to support the development of agricultural cooperatives, including the small and medium-sized agri-food producers.
- Identify tools and mechanisms that have been successful in achieving productive development, economic efficiency and exporting progress of agricultural cooperatives and agri-food group of producers.
- Propose some cooperative actions between the BOND Programme and the Ministries of Agriculture and other authorities of the Republic of Moldova for the implementation of activities in the short and medium term, in order to support the development of the agricultural cooperative sector and the group of producers in the country.
- Youth and Agriculture: Key challenges and concrete solutions. Activities that should be done to encourage youth involvement in agriculture, engagement in policy dialogue.
For Agenda to be taken into considerations:
First day: Current situation on cooperative development and challenges& solutions for Moldova: discussions with different stakeholders in two concert topics (regulatory and legal framework and fiscal issues).
Second day: Roundtable Discussion on Strengthening Youth Societies and attracting youth in the agriculture sector. What should we do to attract youth in agriculture?
Participants & stakeholders: Ministry of Agriculture MADRM; development partners, Representatives of 10 Agri – cooperatives and farmers, 8 representatives of different organizations CSOs (farms & youth), experts, Agrarian Universities and agriculture colleges, BOND representatives.
Tag:BOND project, Eu BOND, farmers, Moldova, workshop