Family Farming and the impacts of Covid-19: overcoming crisis through strong collective action
Portugal’s National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA) is running an event ‘Family Farming and the impacts of Covid-19: overcoming crisis through strong collective action’, on July 4, 2020, in Coimbra (Portugal).
The current pandemic has exposed the fragility of our food systems, but also highlighted the importance of organising small and medium scale farmers – family farmers – to collectively face the challenge of feeding the world. This is an important moment to reflect and act together to overcome crises.
The event will gather farmers and leaders from family farmers’ associations to disseminate BOND Project good practice in Family Farming, and ultimately reach policy recommendations for collective initiatives to cope with crises such as this one.
Aware of the current scenario of combating the spread of COVID-19, CNA will respect all hygiene and safety measures required and recommended by the national authorities, including infection control and prevention measures and cleaning and disinfection measures.