The project explored new ways of engaging farmers and policy-makers in activities that help ease understanding and promote the connection between them; specifically, the crossings between ‘play’, ‘games’ and ‘gamification’ in order to provide a more elastic approach to fostering the building of social capital. This new interface will facilitate greater capabilities for social learning and interactions. The approach will devise better ways of working with each other, to come up with common solutions and foster constructive alliances. The approach was holistic and participatory to ensure the needs of the stakeholders were taken into consideration.
In particular, BOND Serious Play is an interactive and playful method for problem-solving and developing critical thinking skills. Application of the method results in a rich environment that facilitates an engaging bonding experience. Bond Serious Play is a tool derived from the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, a facilitation methodology created by The Lego Group.
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method is a technique which improves group problem-solving. By utilising visual, auditory and kinaesthetic skills, the Method requires participants to learn and listen, and it provides all participants with a voice. The Method serves as a shared language regardless of culture or position. It is also a method that requires a trained LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator.
This gaming interface and other chosen case by case was applied in four regional policy roundtables in the selected regions (Southern Europe and Eastern Europe (centre, east and north), in Portugal, Hungary, Romania, and Poland respectively. In each regional policy roundtable, 20 participants were invited, representative of the farmer/land manager and policy-making constituencies as well as other key stakeholders as deemed relevant. The meetings were highly interactive for creating links at different levels and developing alliances and a better understanding of the realities of the farming and land manager constituencies. Drawing from all the previous WPs, a list of recommendations to policy-makers were developed and made available widely in the selected countries and for EU policy-makers in general.
During one of the retreats of the BOND group, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method was tested.