Next event: BOND National Workshop in Romania CAP & Peasants Rights-Bucharest, 1-2 June 2019 “How can the collective grassroots mobilization bridge a human rights approach in public policies for food and agriculture?”

The Romanian peasants organization Eco Ruralis, member of the European Coordination Via Campesina, holds its national workshop in the capital of Romania, Bucharest, on 1-2 June, 2019. Held right before the informal meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers of the Member States of the European Union – in the light of Romania holding the EU presidency, the chain of events will promote the up-scaling of peasant cooperation and securing their social and economic rights.
The Romanian National Workshop is structured on two big needs: alliance building between grassroots organizations and the peasant movement in Romania and Eastern Europe and further articulating and delivering the political strategy of peasants in the region. Thus, the first day will be dedicated to bonding and linking between partners in the Eastern European Food Sovereignty network, while the second day will be structured on four sessions, debating on the opportunities brought by the United Nations Decade on Family Farming and the national and regional strategy on implementing the newly adopted UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other people working in rural areas. Moreover, in the light of the current reform process, the participants will also go deeper in the intersection between the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the role of small family farms in producing healthy food for the national and EU market.
The event will have as speakers representatives of the Romanian Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development and also from EU institutions and from the United Nations Food And Agriculture Organization. The events will also have important contributions from both the academic and peasant social movement side. The program of the workshop can be viewed here
Tag:#National workshop, #Romania, CAP, EUBOND