Youth forum

BOND organised a Youth Forum in Romania, for 34 young farmers, under 34 years old, from 34 countries in Europe.

This new generation of farmers shared their visions, expressed their needs and aspirations and provided fresh insights that have translated into policy recommendations and solutions to policymakers in Europe. This platform harvested new ideas on the future of farming and brought forward concrete solutions for collective action in agriculture. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, activities took place through social media channels and online conferencing.

Key topics included sustainable farming, regenerative agriculture, peasant farming, agroecology, food sovereignty, market access and access to land and natural resources.

The outcomes were youth bonding, engagement strengthening, networks creation, participation in the European policy making process, further practical and theoretical skills-sharing activities and consequent national dissemination. In short, participants had the opportunity to gather and address EU policy makers with proposals for the future of a youth-inclusive agriculture!

Online Webinars and Thematic Workshops unfolded during July and August and a joint declaration was agreed in September 2020.

The forum was organised by Eco Ruralis, Romanian partner of the project.

Webinar #1

Introduction and Methodology

July 24, 2020

The introductory webinar was organised to engage young farmers in sharing their own work, interests and personal vision and dreams for the future; to present the working methodology of the thematic workshops and assign different roles; and also to present documents and videos provided to participants.

Workshop #1

EU Policies for the Future

July 28, 2020

Background documents

Introductory video to the First Thematic Workshop of Young Farmers for the Future Online Forum

Recording of the First Thematic Workshop: Where do we (young farmers) fit in the EU food and farming policies for the future?

Workshop #2

 Markets for the next generation

July 29, 2020

Background documents

Introductory video to the Second Thematic Workshop of Young Farmers for the Future Online Forum

Recording of the Second Thematic Workshop: How can we develop markets for the next generation of farmers?

Workshop #3

Natural resources

July 30, 2020

Background documents

Introductory video to the Third Thematic Workshop of Young Farmers for the Future Online Forum

Recording of the Third Thematic Workshop: How can young farmers work together to innovate and share knowledge creatively?

Workshop #4

Innovation and knowledge

July 31, 2020

Background documents

Recording of the Fourth Thematic Workshop: “How can young farmers work together to innovate and share knowledge creatively?” organized within the Young Farmers for the Future Online Forum.

Concluding session

Young Farmers for the Future Joint Declaration & next steps

September 18, 2020

Recording of the final session of Young Farmers for the Future Forum, during which the Joint Declaration consisting in policy recommendations and solutions for policymakers in Europe on food and agriculture was presented and discussed with the young farmers, along with opportunities for cooperation within BOND and other European spaces and networks.

FNCuma wasn't involved in the Youth Forum, and disengages herself from any kind of result or dissemination content linked to the Youth Forum activity. 
La FNCuma n'est pas associée au Youth Forum et se désengage de tout résultat /toute communication liés aux travaux de ce groupe.