WEBINAR on Urban Dimension of Food Sovereignty

WEBINAR on Urban Dimension of Food Sovereignty

In an increasingly urbanized world, cities have an important role in defining the future of our food systems. This comes with risks and opportunities, as cities have been characterized both as the obstacle and solution for sustainability. It also leads to some pressing questions on the relationships between the urban and rural world.

  • In this webinar, the debate is on what food sovereignty means in an urban context. From urban agroecology projects to local food councils; cities have a lot to offer in terms of practical and political opportunities to advance towards just and sustainable food systems. And although they may be limited in their geographical scope, they can be faster and more innovative ways to act. The main topics which will be discussed are:
  • How can agroecology support food sovereignty in urban areas?
  • How do FoE members relate to the urban context as a social/environmental movement, in a world where more and more people live in cities? What does this mean for urban-rural relations?
  • What are the opportunities to influence urban food policies towards food sovereignty?
  • How do we put our views as FoEI members into practice in our actions/campaigns/programs?
  • Can we learn from each other’s experiences?

1)Emily Matheissen from FIAN International
2) Walter Gomez, FoE El Salvador
3) Discussion

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 5 June at 15:00 CET (Amsterdam time, check your local time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) with translation between English, French, and Spanish if needed. The webinar will take maximum 1,5 hours.
Register using this form ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XdiOistVQKm_jzXhuUEAAxdCS8qx8SStyYkk62s2_7c/edit#gid=0).