A Repository of Collective Action Stories

Inside the Barn you’ll find different examples of collective action in sustainable agriculture, marketing and the environment. Some are works in progress, some are works concluded, others are just at the start or even a plan of a project with an expected impact. They are united by a common objective – creating bridging and bonding linkages and networks for the benefit of the food and farming sectors.


fill out the online form to share your experience


Do you have a story of working together?

We want to hear it. Your knowledge and experience (both positive and negative) of networking, connecting and working together can educate and inspire others. Add your story to The Barn and help us contribute to a healthier and more harmonious farming sector in Europe.

We want to know how, why, and when you started your initiative.

Who you connected with, what challenges you faced and whether you were able to resolve them.

Our hope is that The Barn will hold the tools for:

strenthening organizations and networks

learning new ways of working together

creating strong dynamic and effective organizations in Europe’s farming sector

Can you help?

Your answers to the questionnaire will be reviewed and published in The Barn on the BOND website.