BOND produced a series of project-related publications to foster social capital in Europe.
Four of them reflect the outcomes of the BOND Policy Roundtables that took place in Romania, Hungary, Poland and Portugal as well as outcomes of the 10 BOND National Workshops grouping Romania, France and Moldova; Hungary and Croatia; Poland and Czech Republic; and finally, Portugal and Spain. In addition, a Land Management publication, and a Synthesis General publication, have been prepared. These 6 publications bring forward the learnings from all the BOND project activities throughout the 3 project years (2017- 2020), and provide recommendations for policy makers and food and agriculture constituencies throughout Europe.
Thematic publications have also been prepared, one highlights the wide diversity of collective action stories that are exponentially growing in The Barn, which is the BOND Repository, another records the Gaming techniques and experiences practiced and explored with farmers, government officials, representatives of the private sector, NGOs, civil society organisations and research institutions in various BOND activities. Others focus on specific issues around social capital and collective action.