Short description
Name of the initiative? Association Demeter Czech & Slovak
Country Czech Republic and Slovakia
What kind of initiative Farming/production, Biodiversity, Educational/training, Community, Biodynamic agriculture
Key words Biodynamics, BIO, farming, winemaking
Success factors and needs
Briefly describe what your initiative is about We are a brand new association established in 2020. Our aim is to promote a biodynamic way of farming in the Czech and Slovak Republics, organise seminars and education in this field and, in the future, establish a national Demeter branch for Czech Republic and Slovakia. The main purpose of our activities is to spread information and on hand practices for natural friendly, healthy and sustainable farming as an alternative to the widespread conventional way.
The Story
The idea has been here for a few years now. It was in late 2019 though, when local farmers, winemakers and biodynamic enthusiasts got together in the right constellation. Our Association was officially registered basically just few weeks ago with accordance to the Czech laws.
Demeter’s goal is to lead the digital transformation of Europe’s agri-food sector through the rapid adoption of advanced IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, data science and smart farming, ensuring its long-term viability and sustainability.
We are in close cooperation with Demeter International and Demeter national branches in neighbouring countries, mainly Austria and Germany. We are also in touch with biodynamic and anthroposophic (alternative medicine) magazines, trying to establish close contact to other Bio and biodynamic organisations in Europe.
We are a group of different people with different backgrounds, experiences, professions…
We got together having a similar vision and aim, ready to share and learn.
We are a group of different people with different backgrounds, experiences, professions… We got together having a similar vision and aim, ready to share and learn. This has helped collaboration.
We are basically starting with our activities and we are looking forward to the challenges to come.
Repository compiled by: Jan Vavřička
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