Short description
Name of the initiative? Strengthening the Immune Systems of Medical Workers
Country Republic of Moldova
Region Chișinău
What kind of initiative Farming, Processing, Community, Health
Key words Charity, immune system, health workers, COVID-19, honey, tea
Success factors
Briefly describe what your initiative is about As a response to the global pandemic, three producers and processor associations of bee and medicinal products provided care packages for medical persons working on the frontline in the fight against COVID-19.
The Story
On 18th March 2020, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Republic of Moldova declared a state of emergency for a period of 60 days. We believe the health of the nation should not only fall into the hands of our doctors or government – it is the duty of each and every citizen, in a crisis situation such as the one we are facing now, to do everything possible to help save humanity. The doctors are our troops in the front line. We simply couldn’t turn a blind eye to this situation, our responsibility towards our country simply didn’t let us.
“… The health of the nation should
not only fall into the hands of our doctors
or government – it is the duty of each
and every citizen, in a crisis situation
such as the one we are facing now,
to do everything possible
to help save humanity.”
We are three associations from the agro sector: AROMEDA (The Association of Medicinal, Aromatic and Tea Plant Producers of the Republic of Moldova), APIS Codru (The Association of Beekeepers from Calarasi district) and APIS Melifera (The Association of Beekeepers from the Republic of Moldova). In the past we have participated at different meetings and activities organised by Proentranse within the BOND project. We decided to join forces again this time with our own initiative: to provide health packages consisting of teas, honey and hetero-oils for doctors and health workers working at hospitals in the Chisinau municipality. We asked our colleagues to join this charitable common action to support the medical personnel directly involved in the fight against COVID-19 because the fate of the entire nation depends on the condition of the doctors. Our health packages are designed to strengthen the immune systems of the medical workers.
“We decided to join forces again
this time with our own initiative”
We contacted the public authorities who guided us through the process, so on 2nd April 2020, equipped with gloves masks and sanitisers (the protective measures recommended by the WHO), we delivered our health packages to three hospitals: Municipal Clinical Hospital of Contagious Diseases for Children, Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases (Toma Ciorbă) and The Municipal Clinical Hospital (Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail).
In those moments we didn’t think of fear. We thought that the little drop of health we could bring would help those battling the virus in the front line.
“In those moments we didn’t think of fear.
We thought that the little drop of health
we could bring would help those battling
the virus in the front line.”
The medical staff who received our packages at all three hospitals said the thing that mattered the most weren’t the products that we brought, it was the gesture and thought showing them they are not alone, and this was the most important.
We definitely have plans for future collaborations. We would like to develop the agro-sector; have more association and cooperation, because only together we are a strong force and we can overcome any challenge life will throw at us.
“only together we are a strong force
and we can overcome any challenge
life will throw at us. “
Additional information
Executive Director AROMEDA
Iurie Usurelu
Email: aromeda.director@gmail.com