20 Marzo

What is your Story?

‘What Is Your Story?’ is a playful card-based activity to engage learners in creative and abstract thinking. It can be used as prompts for allowing people to express their views and share with others. The aim of the game is for …

29 Gennaio

Promote collective action, strengthen Family Agriculture

CNA (Confederação Nacional da Agricultura) held a workshop on “Promoting Collective Action, Strengthening Family Agriculture” at its headquarters in Coimbra, Portugal, the 23rd January, with the participation of leaders and workers from the Confederation. It was participatory initiative in which …

17 Gennaio

Outstanding Practices in Agroecology 2019 Announced

The recognition highlights outstanding practices advancing the transition towards agroecology from the global South. Out of 77 nominations from 44 countries, 15 receive recognitions, including practices from across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Berlin, 17 January 2019 – 15 outstanding …

04 Dicembre

Cooperative njam-njam ; Croatian HM hub

Initiative based (region) HR

Country Križevci, Koprivničko-Križevačka county, Eastern Europe

5 key words that best represent the story organic, holistic menagment, farms, cooperative